What is Cell Phone Racing? |
![]() For those of you deprived folks out there who have yet to hear about this latest tabletop game, Cell Phone Racing is the greatest thing since sliced meatloaf. Okay, maybe not. Cell phone racing is the racing of cellular phones across tables, floors, benches, hot lava pits, any reasonably flat surface will do. This is done by making use of the vibrate function, available on most phones made in recent years. Puts a new meaning to "mobile phone", doesn't it? Now, if you want to know a little more, just check out the Rules section. Cellular phone racing is an enjoyable game for the entire family, and is suitable for all ages. It can be played with anywhere from 2 to two million competitors, and a match can be had with just four cellular phones. Best of all, only half the phones in question need be present at the actual site of competition. Bet there aren't many sports out there where you can have half your team located on the other side of the world! Legend has it that cell phone racing originated on a restaurant table in a New Jersey diner. The development of this sport can be traced in the History of Cell Phone Racing section. |
The History of Cell Phone Racing | |
The Rules of Cell Phone Racing | |
Tips and Suggestions | |
Useful Links | |
Contact Cell Phone Racing Headquarters |